Paper Submission

Paper submission instructions and guidelines

Submit your paper at:

The LaTeX / Word templates for the paper submission are available here:

  • Latex template (coming soon)
  • Word template (coming soon)

Page limit:

A paper can be up to 8 pages including figures and tables, plus an unlimited number of additional pages for references only.


Authors can submit one supplementary file. The size should not exceed 100 MB (maximum allowable by CMT) and can be in doc, pdf or zip format.

Dual submission policy:

During the IJCB 2025 reviewing process, the paper should not be submitted to or be under review in any peer-reviewed venue including conferences, workshops or journals. All submitted papers will be checked with a plagiarism detection tool.

Double-blind review policy:

The reviewing process will be double blind.

  • Remove author names, affiliations, email addresses, etc. from the paper.
  • Remove personal acknowledgments.
  • When reporting experiments on data collected in your lab, consider stating this as “This experiment was conducted using data acquired at Mars University”. Do not state this as “This experiment was conducted using data that was collected in our labs at Mars University”.
  • When citing your own work, ensure that the narrative does not divulge your identity.
  • Simultaneous submissions to arxiv without mentioning IJCB are allowed.

Dataset requirement:

For existing public datasets, the authors are strongly encouraged to state if they are still available for others to reproduce experimental results.

For new datasets introduced in the submission involving human subjects, the authors are strongly suggested to ensure the datasets have been ethically, legitimately and legally acquired and stored. Any approvals already obtained from an Institutional Review Board (IRB, or equivalent) are more than enough to demonstrate this, and it is encouraged to state such approvals in the paper. However, please do not submit your approval files in the submission since this may violate the double-blind reviewing policy. A sentence stating the approvals, or a paragraph demonstrating your ethical considerations in collecting the dataset, in either the main paper or the supplementary material, is enough. Besides, it is strongly encouraged that the new datasets will be made available to others to contribute to the biometrics research community and allow reproducibility.

For private datasets, either existing or new, are allowed for experiments. However, for dataset papers claiming new dataset contributions, the dataset must be made publicly available by the camera-ready deadline; otherwise the claim of new dataset contributions will not be counted by reviewers.

Conflict of interest:

Papers co-authored by General or Program Chairs will be reviewed with Chair-conflicts enabled in the reviewing platform to avoid any conflict of interest.

Registration and presentation requirement:

Papers accepted at the conference must be presented by one of the authors, and at least one of the authors must register at the standard registration rate before the early registration deadline. Each author registration applies towards only one paper. If an accepted paper is not registered and/or not presented at the conference, it will be withdrawn from the proceedings and from IEEE Xplore. IJCB2025 reserves the right to exclude a paper from publication if the paper is not presented (no-show) at the conference.

Authors may not delegate presentation of their paper to a non-author in attendance.

Authors are required by IEEE to transfer copyrights for any papers placed in Xplore. This is performed at the time final versions are submitted for production. If a paper is withdrawn from the proceedings, copyright will revert to the authors.


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